Let’s uplevel your team’s performance and productivity.
Leigh’s signature keynote on the power of self-awareness.
Build a Movement, Not a Customer List
When everyone is competing for the same clients, how is it possible to standout anymore? Spreading yourself thin is now the basic job requirement just to get booked. But if both ends of the candle are already burnt out, what more can you do?
Clients want everything on a shoestring budget. Instantaneous communication somehow isn’t fast enough. Guest counts change as the guests are walking in. Do you have any hair left to pull out at this point?
We can’t change the world overnight, but we can certainly change how we view and interact with it.
In this practical and hilarious session, Business Coach and Enneagram Expert Leigh Cambre will have you thinking less about your to-do list and more about your positioning. How you perceive and interact with your clients and prospects will change forever–and so will how they perceive you. Don’t work harder, work less.
When you do the important things, you won’t have to struggle getting your ideal clients.
You will learn:
How to magically anticipate the types of problems your clients notice and communicate in a way that always impresses them
The guides you need to uplevel yourself and your business
To foster more boredom and turn that into your best idea yet